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Who are we?

“Workshop for Academic Study of Religion” (WASR) is non-governmental organization, created in 2004 by group of young undergraduate and post-graduate students in the field of religious studies from the best Kyiv universities. Today, on voluntary basis, YASR is uniting more than 30 students, PhD students, teachers and young researchers from Ukraine, who are conducting their research in religious field. 

What are our goal and tasks?

The main goal of the WASR is full support for young researchers, PhD candidates and students in religious studies and publishing the results of their work. Another task of our activity is promoting the principles of tolerance, pluralism, freedom of conscience and religion in every sphere of social life.

The tasks of WASR are:

  • enhance the level of scientific specialties of young researchers;
  • to cooperate with national and international funds and associations, with governmental, religious, educational, youth and public organizations, which are interested in promoting the principles of religious tolerance and interreligious dialogue;
  • to support in active way interreligious and interconfessional dialogue in Ukraine;
  • to organize educational lectures, seminars, conferences, schools, festivals and other scientifical-cultural events for raising the level of youth cultural education;
  • to support in active way publishing informational and analytical materials, religious studies publications and its promotion;
  • to influence in legal way on governmental policy in education, science and culture of religion.